September-October 2013 Series

I’m still thinking about knees, though you may or may not notice it when you do these lessons.

I’m thinking about knees, and Theo Jansen’s strandbeest:

Compilation from Strandbeest on Vimeo.

  1. Somewhere in your back… (AY 434: Twisting and opposing gently)
  2. Frog’s Legs (AY 117)
  3. Recording malfunction! But you can do a similar lesson here: Hip and shoulder circles
  4. Turning the head around its circumference and in the center (AY 6)
  5. Getting to know the hip joints (AY 241)
  6. Sidelying, sliding hands and knees at different angles (no particular source)


January – February 2013 Series

By the end, your head will know where your pelvis is, and your pelvis will know where your head is. Maybe you’ll use your spine differently to help lift your legs, and maybe your head will float with the greatest of ease on top of it all. And what effect will that have on the agility with which you manage the challenges of your life?

  1. Dead Bird
  2. Protrusions and bendings
  3. Extensors with a twist 
  4. On the side – head and pelvis
  5. Head and Pelvis
  6. What I taught was AY 539, Fresh Standing, but I’m not happy with the recording!

March-April 2012 Feldenkrais Classes

From the fingertips and the toes, you can launch spirals that speak directly to your spine. But your feet and hands are windows into your real “core”–your brain. Your hardest working organ is the core you rely on to plan and execute action, adjust your intention to the feedback of the environment, regulate responses to stress, and integrate the specialized functions of each hemisphere. Get to know your left and right-handedness, footedness, and more in this six-week series.

  1. Working with the dominant hand
  2. Hands interlaced
  3. Interlacing toes
  4. Violin arms
  5. From crawling to sitting
  6. Elbows in crooks

January – February 2012 Series

In this eight-week series, we’ll clarify hips and shoulders in the context of the functional whole.

  1. Flexors
  2. Looking over shoulder
  3. Legs to the side and lifting them with the hands
  4. Dragging feet and head left and right
  5. Bending while sitting and shoulder movements
  6. Hooking the big toe and passing the knee
  7. Classical twist on the side with an advanced opening
  8. Sliding along the length of the leg
  9. Leap year bonus class! But a failure in recording.