May-June 2012 Feldenkrais series

Hi everyone,

We’ve just twisted ourselves into knots in our April-May Awareness Through Movement series…how shall we unravel it in the May-June 6-week series?

I won’t announce a class theme, as I’m away for two weeks, including an advanced training in Connecticut that’s certainly going to fill me with new ideas to share with you. But I can tell you the dates.

The May-June six-week series will run May 16 and 23, and then June 6 – 27 (missing May 30 because I’m traveling). As usual, $60 and you can pay through paypal at the link here:, or email me for other payment arrangements. Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 at Creative Crossing, Charles & Agricola.

Look forward to seeing you soon,


March-April 2012 Feldenkrais Classes

From the fingertips and the toes, you can launch spirals that speak directly to your spine. But your feet and hands are windows into your real “core”–your brain. Your hardest working organ is the core you rely on to plan and execute action, adjust your intention to the feedback of the environment, regulate responses to stress, and integrate the specialized functions of each hemisphere. Get to know your left and right-handedness, footedness, and more in this six-week series.

  1. Working with the dominant hand
  2. Hands interlaced
  3. Interlacing toes
  4. Violin arms
  5. From crawling to sitting
  6. Elbows in crooks

Kinesophics on facebook

Hi everyone!

The Feldenkrais community has recently been blossoming on facebook–it’s a great platform for sharing multimedia resources for understanding all these good things we explore in Feldenkrais–the human being in action with all that involves: gravity, bones, brains, sensation, feeling, development, and…. I invite you to come “like” my kinesophics page on facebook, and you can visit for a little brain buzz or news about classes as you wish.
