Why lesson analysis?

The structure of the DIY ATM section of the website encourages you to try out Feldenkrais ATM lessons and to move very quickly into making them your own — trying out variations and relating them to different principles.

This is a good process, and yet there’s something more at work in a Feldenkrais ATM, beyond trying out variations on a theme. Those variations are in service of improving the integration of layers of reflex and conscious neuromuscular control into effective action, involving the whole person. So for my own study I’m working on getting deeper into Feldenkrais’s lessons and understanding the way their variations are structured around specific ideas about these layers of neurological control. The rotes of this process are below. Most of them are discussions of lessons posted or this site.

Feldenkrais Classes and Workshops for the new year

Newsletter news:

I had to recreate the subscription list after a little fiasco with a database–some of you may have unsubscribed in the past and now may find yourselves subscribed again. Apologies! Simply scroll down to unsubscribe and it won’t happen again.


Upcoming workshop:

Asked to summarize the method in one phrase, Moshe offered “my aim is to make peace between the nervous system and gravity.”

In this 2-hour workshop, we’ll play with Archimedes’s venerable principles (managing the weight of our long levers!) and find the magic feeling of weightlessness in standing that comes from accessing postural reflexes.

Saturday, January 15, 2011, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Cost: $15
At the Happiness Centre, aka 5663 Cornwallis.

for more info and registration.


Classes in the new year:

By some miracle of fantastic response from you all, the six-week series starting in January is FULL.

I’ve added the dates for 6-week sessions starting March 2 and May 4, and you can reserve a space any time by registering. Visit for more info.

Looking forward to seeing you in January!


Feldenkrais in March

Starting in January 2011, I’ll be teaching Awareness Through Movement classes by six-week series (with breaks in between), at the “Happiness Centre,” aka the main floor of 5663 Cornwallis Street (just off the Commons).

View Larger Map

First series: January 5 – February 9, 2011, 7 – 8 pm.
Cost: $40*

Reserve your spot by getting your payment to me when you see me, or by using paypal–or email me for my street address.

Drop-in may be possible. Stay tuned.

And when you come, remember you can enjoy a burrito and ice cream at Dee Dee’s across the street before class!

*No reimbursement for missed classes, except in cases where that’s unreasonable. (Say you break your leg after two weeks. Then you can come to the next series for free, or you can give it to a friend. That kind of thing. Say over the six weeks you miss a couple of classes because of this and that. No reimbursement for that–but classes are so cheap you probably won’t mind. That’s the idea.)