May-June 2012 Feldenkrais series

Hi everyone,

We’ve just twisted ourselves into knots in our April-May Awareness Through Movement series…how shall we unravel it in the May-June 6-week series?

I won’t announce a class theme, as I’m away for two weeks, including an advanced training in Connecticut that’s certainly going to fill me with new ideas to share with you. But I can tell you the dates.

The May-June six-week series will run May 16 and 23, and then June 6 – 27 (missing May 30 because I’m traveling). As usual, $60 and you can pay through paypal at the link here:, or email me for other payment arrangements. Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 at Creative Crossing, Charles & Agricola.

Look forward to seeing you soon,


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