Covering the eyes

Bourdon-t08t08a_0We can address the eyes in many ways in our explorations: in this lesson their calm, and the quality of our vision of the dark, is a marker of the overall state of the nervous system. See Bourdon’s image to feed your sensing and thinking.

What else can you do with this lesson? We go left and right, up and down. How about making clocks?

Knees draw the arms

If movements of your knees can reach your fingertips, and movements of your fingertips can reach your knees…that must mean we are each one of us a single whole creature, no?

NB: The audio is a little crappy this week. Sorry! The mike connection to the iPod wasn’t secure and there were snaps and clicks, which I then tried to take out. We lose a few whole phrases through these snaps and cracks.

Bitrate repaired in 2013, but probably the basic sound is still lousy!

Walking Backward

One of the great mysteries of Feldenkrais: how does that “phenomenological weight loss” happen? I weigh x pounds when I arrive for the lesson; I weigh the same an hour later when it’s over. How can I feel so much lighter on my feet?

This lesson explores the question at that very moment of shifting weight onto a foot.

Extending arms and knees

What could he be thinking? How did anyone ever come up with the idea that you could lie on your side, top knee in front on the floor, turn your face and shoulders towards the ceiling, and tap your shoulder blades on the ground? It feels impossible – in an entirely unique way for each shoulder!

How about if you stop the recording whenever you find yourself pushing for the achievement, and invent a variation or exploration that’s easier than what you’re doing now? Each of these explorations can be a whole lesson in itself. And then when you come back to the recorded lesson, all sorts of surprising possibilities may emerge.