21 Replies to “Sidelying, sliding hands and knees”

  1. This is a very familiar lesson which I’ve taught dozens of time and done dozens of times. When I was going over it myself to have it kinesthetically fresh for teaching, there were no big new “aha” moments for me, but lots of relief for my tight shoulders that were busy thinking so hard about what to teach this weekend and how.

    I also had a lot of fun feeling new things about where my shoulder joint really is in relation to my chest, and feeling what the movements in the *front* of my chest, around my clavicles and sternum (as well as the movement of the whole sternum in softening and turning forwards towards the floor to let the chest and spine turn).

  2. it looks like marinmovement.com works and has a collection of recorded ATMs — if you visit with Internet Explorer.

  3. thank you for this lesson lynette
    please, I don’t understand why i can’t see other lessons ?
    the only one i can have access is this one. why ?
    thank you.

  4. This is my first time doing this and it was amazing. It makes sense now, but during that entire session I had some major gas. But, all the twist of the torso got it all going. Did anyone else experience that?

    Thank you for making this available to people all over the world!

  5. Yes that’s quite possible! I’ve certainly experienced it myself and seen (and heard! I won’t go further than that!) others experiencing gastrointestinal responses to lessons. Digestion speeds up or slows down, elimination becomes more an option when the body moves out of stress response and into a less stressed, less emergency-alert-response mode–in addition to the effects of the mechanical twisting!

    Glad you’re enjoying the lessons.


  6. Thank you for all your recordings Lynnette! It is good help for me as a “new” Feldenkraispractitioner! This lesson is so good ! It is simple, but it is so much in it. I find that what happens to the side lying down to the floor is just as exciting as what you sense in the upper side! And the breathing is also worth being aware of. How do you think about this?
    Marianne, Norway

    1. Hi Marianne!

      This is such a good basic lesson. We learned it in my training as a “bread and butter” lesson! You’re so right about the breathing, and the side resting on the floor. The shoulder on that side may become much more comfortable too.

      All around the torso, belly, low back and ribs, there is the great comfort of the undifferentiated movement, which feels very safe. (This is how we walk when sick, in pain.) And then as we differentiate, shoulders and pelvis independent and even opposite, at some point inevitably we’re going with the person’s habit and then enabling them to try new options. Letting them breathe where before they were holding (ribs, belly, back), letting them settle to the floor where before they were not settling.

      It’s also the most primitive exploration of balance for us–as infants we first balance on the side (before sitting and standing).

      Of course both sides can easily be taught and compared in 45 min – 1 hr. This recording goes super slow, which we tend to love as new graduates but the general public isn’t as slowed down as we are.

      It’s the proximal/distal change too–every day we swing our arms and legs in walking, and here we focus in on the proximal version of that with the pelvis and shoulders. Familiar function + unfamiliar image = new options.


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