Embodied emotions

A Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement workshop, Sunday November 8 2009, 1 – 3 pm.

What would your face feel like if it carried a little less history? What are the broad patterns of somatic engagement in emotional response to others? Underlying our emotional history and stories are the ways we feel in and through our bodies. These can themselves be explored and experimented with. In this workshop we will develop the experience of an open face and tie this, in a playful lesson, to fundamental primate themes of moving towards and away from others.

At the Yoga Loft, Suite 301, 5663 Cornwallis St. (off the Commons–see Google maps). Advance registration required. Call 429-3330 for more information about costs and to register.

Classes for the new year: Jan-Feb 2013

As the sun begins to set on the North American continent for the last time in 2012, I wish you all the best for the new year.

I hope to see you at Feldenkrais classes on Charles Street. We’ll start Wednesday Jan 9th, 7:30-8:30 and run for six weeks, until Feb 13…and as long as it takes to get to six, given the Nova Scotia weather this time of year!

You can find the address/map and pay via paypal here: Feldenkrais Classes, 2013

Or you can email me via the contact form on the site to reserve your spot.

The last series is posted here. It constitutes a good set of “meta” lessons — very basic and subtle points you may want to review at any time!


November-December 2012: Feldenkrais in Halifax

From Nov. 7 to Dec. 12, we’ll continue with our explorations, with a series focused on the basics. Classic lessons, careful attention to ourselves, deep in the process of exploring and learning. 7:30 on Wednesdays at Creative Crossing.

And we’ll be testing out a new lighting system to save us all from the choice between the dark and the interrogation lamps!

You can let me know by email if you’re coming, or go to the PayPal link here to pay, either for the whole or for drop-in.

Fall–ing down and up: Halifax Feldenkrais classes in fall 2012

Classes start soon! We’ll renew our intimate acquaintance with the floor as a mirror for learning, and explore how we peel ourselves off the floor and come back to upright in gravity. How do you go from inner focus and exploration, rest, and recovery, to action in the world? Do you lift the lightest part first, the little pinky or toe–or can you lift the heaviest just as easily?

A 6-week series, Wednesdays, September 12 – October 17, 2012, 7:30-8:30 pm, at The Studio in Creative Crossing, just behind Local Source, 5781 Charles Street (just off Agricola, south of North). $60 for the series or $12 dropin if there’s room.

Email me to reserve a spot, or pay by paypal at http://kinesophics.ca/feldenkrais_halifax/feldenkrais_2012


May-June 2012 Feldenkrais series

Hi everyone,

We’ve just twisted ourselves into knots in our April-May Awareness Through Movement series…how shall we unravel it in the May-June 6-week series?

I won’t announce a class theme, as I’m away for two weeks, including an advanced training in Connecticut that’s certainly going to fill me with new ideas to share with you. But I can tell you the dates.

The May-June six-week series will run May 16 and 23, and then June 6 – 27 (missing May 30 because I’m traveling). As usual, $60 and you can pay through paypal at the link here:
http://kinesophics.ca/feldenkrais_halifax/feldenkrais_2012, or email me for other payment arrangements. Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 at Creative Crossing, Charles & Agricola.

Look forward to seeing you soon,


Kinesophics on facebook

Hi everyone!

The Feldenkrais community has recently been blossoming on facebook–it’s a great platform for sharing multimedia resources for understanding all these good things we explore in Feldenkrais–the human being in action with all that involves: gravity, bones, brains, sensation, feeling, development, and…. I invite you to come “like” my kinesophics page on facebook, and you can visit for a little brain buzz or news about classes as you wish.



March-April Feldenkrais Classes

We’re finishing up eight weeks of clarifying the shoulders and hips in relation to a functional whole, and to celebrate a successful winter season of no weather cancellations, and to celebrate the leap year, I’ll extend the series one week to February 29.

Of course this may be counting chickens before they are hatched.

Speaking of counting, we’ll move on next to six weeks of enumerating our fingers and toes, connecting the most peripheral of our distal parts to the core, in a six-week series of Feldenkrais classes March 21 – April 25. Register by talking to me at class, emailing me, or by using PayPal.

More information, and the paypal link, at


Jan – Feb 2012 Feldenkrais ATM Classes

As the 2011 winds down, your thoughts may be turning to the new year, new movements, new possibilities, new sensations….which, naturally, means Feldenkrais.

I’m now holed up in my cat-walk office in Terence Bay, brewing a new theme for the Jan-Feb 8-week ATM series. We’ll plan to run from January 4 – February 22, but the weather may extend the series as late March 7 (last year we had two Wednesday snowstorms). The following series will start after the March school break.

You can read more about the location, find the paypal link and other options for paying ($80), here.

You can also reserve your spot by emailing me at lynette@kinesophics.ca.

Happy holidays,


November-December 2011 Class: What’s flexibility?

Can you turn on a dime?

The kind of flexibility we learn in Feldenkrais isn’t so much about how wide you can open a joint or how far you can twist your spine. It’s more about how readily you can respond to your environment (inner and outer), and change course.

In this six-week series, we’ll refine our control around the central axis, manage and coordinate the masses of the pelvis and head, get a few nice twists in, kick out our heels (subtly), and learn how to turn on a dime.

Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30, at Creative Crossing, 5781 Charles Street, November 9 – December 14; $60.

(On November 2, if you’re so inclined, you can catch BJM Danse at the Cohn:

If you’re new or returning to class after a break, reserve via the Paypal link here: or email me for my street address to send a cheque. If you’re a regular, reserve by email to me and you can pay on the first day.

Hope to see you there!


September-October Feldenkrais Series

Hello everyone!

As I prepare for the fall, I am sending you this newsletter from a vacation spot looking over the St. Lawrence River, at L’Isle Verte.

I’m enjoying the big skies and the grand vistas, and they’re just the right inspiration for our fall series of Awareness Through Movement lessons. We’ll do six weeks of lessons balancing various directions of movement with special attention to the freedom of the eyes–how they settle the way you organize your head/neck juncture, set the tonus for the whole body, and direct your attention and action.

The six classes are Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30, starting September 7, at the Studio at Creative Crossing. Cost is $60. See the website here for options for reserving your spot and paying in advance.
