Learn to Learn, by Moshe Feldenkrais
This is from the website of the Field Center. It’s a very rewarding document by Moshe orienting the beginner to the process of doing ATM lessons.
Felden-What? by Larry Goldfarb
Larry Goldfarb’s popular introductory article (available in seven languages).
My experiences with Feldenkrais by Sanjeev Arora
In my referral logs for the site, I found this article written by a computer science professor who found Feldenkrais in working out his RSI. A great description from a client’s point of view.
Excerpts from the writings of Moshe Feldenkrais
From the website of the International Feldenkrais Federation.
The Process of Functional Integration by Ralph Strauch
A description of Functional Integration by Ralph Strauch of www.somatic.com.