Classes for the new year: Jan-Feb 2013

As the sun begins to set on the North American continent for the last time in 2012, I wish you all the best for the new year.

I hope to see you at Feldenkrais classes on Charles Street. We’ll start Wednesday Jan 9th, 7:30-8:30 and run for six weeks, until Feb 13…and as long as it takes to get to six, given the Nova Scotia weather this time of year!

You can find the address/map and pay via paypal here: Feldenkrais Classes, 2013

Or you can email me via the contact form on the site to reserve your spot.

The last series is posted here. It constitutes a good set of “meta” lessons — very basic and subtle points you may want to review at any time!


Edges of the Feet

We can go our whole lives without realizing there’s some subtle movement of the ankle or use of the sole of our feet that has become a blind spot to us, unavailable. Then we buy orthotics or fuss about the right shoe to push our feet around in certain ways. Try improving your ability with your feet!

Sneak preview: we’ve working on the ankle-neck relationship this week and next.