March Feldenkrais

Hi everyone!

Space continues to be somewhat up in the air (it will settle soon!) but we’ve got Cornwallis for sure for the month of March. So I’m going to launch into a brief 4-week series after taking a week off. And there’s ONE SPACE LEFT in that four-week series, so email quickly if you’re interested. Wednesdays 7-8, March 9 to March 30. Details here:

We’ll continue with more-or-less following along with Moshe’s 1976 San Francisco public evening class. This has been a fascinating exploration for me. Moshe’s version of how you teach an introductory series to the general public really emphasizes control of the pelvis in larger movements of the whole body, before building on that strong foundation to soften the shoulders and ribcage.

You can do the classes up to this point, in the same series we’ve done in Halifax, posted here (missing one week where I’d run my iPhone battery down!):

I hope the new recording technology is working out better for you all. And for those attending in person, I am enjoying the sense of consistency and personal connection that comes from our new independent model of running the class. So thanks!


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